Creating Users

To create users:

  1. Access Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console as a Functional Administrator or Directory Manager. See Launching Shared Services Console.

  2. In the node in the View pane, right-click Users, and then select New User.

  3. In Create User, enter the required information.

    Table 6-1 Create User Screen

    Label Description
    User Name A unique user identifier (maximum 256 characters) that follows the naming conventions of your organization (for example, first_name initial followed by the last name, as in jyoung)

    User names can contain any number or combination of characters.

    You cannot create identical user names, including names that are differentiated only by number of spaces. For example, you cannot create user names user 1 (with one space between user and 1) and user 1 (with two spaces between user and 1).

    Password Passwords are case-sensitive and can contain any combination of characters.
    Confirm Password Re-enter password.
    First Name User's first name (optional)
    Last Name User's last name (optional)
    Description User's description (optional)
    Email Address User's email address (optional). The email server domain extension; for example, .com, .org, and .gov, cannot contain more than four characters.
  4. Optional: To assign the user to Native Directory groups, click Next.

    1. Using the fields above the Available Groups list, search for groups.

      1. From the drop-down list, select Group Name to search based on group names. Select Description to search based on group descriptions.

      2. Enter the criterion for retrieving groups. Use * (asterisk) as the wildcard to retrieve all available groups.

      3. Click Search.

        Groups that match the search criterion are listed under Available Groups.

    2. From Available Groups, select groups.

    3. Click Add button.

      The selected groups are listed under Assigned Groups list.

    4. Optional: To retrieve and assign additional groups, repeat step 4.a.

      Using the fields above the Assigned Groups list, you can search assigned groups to identify the groups that you want to remove.

      To remove assigned groups, from Assigned Groups, select the groups to remove, and then click Remove button.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Click Create Another to create another user or Finish to close Create User.