Shared Services Roles

All Oracle Hyperion Shared Services roles are power roles. Typically, these roles are granted to power users who are involved in administering Shared Services and other Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products.

Table A-1 Shared Services Roles (Global Roles)

Role Description

Shared Services Administrator role comprises these roles:

  • Create Integrations

  • Directory Manager

  • LCM Administrator

  • Manage Taskflows

  • Run Taskflows

  • Project Manager

  • Run Integrations

Provides control over all products that integrate with Shared Services. This is the most powerful EPM System role and should, therefore, be assigned sparingly. Administrators can perform all administrative tasks in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console and can provision themselves.

This role grants broad access to all applications registered with Shared Services. The Administrator role is, by default, assigned to the admin Native Directory user, who is the only user available after you deploy Shared Services.

Create Integrations Creates Shared Services data integrations (the process of moving data between applications) using a wizard
Directory Manager

Creates and manages users and groups within Native Directory

Granting Directory Manager and Provisioning Manager roles to one user allows the user to gain superior roles. Oracle recommends that you do not assign the Directory Manger role to users who have been assigned the Provisioning Manager role.

LCM Administrator

This role comprises these roles:

  • Directory Manager

  • LCM Designer

  • Manage Taskflows

  • Run Taskflows

  • Project Manager

  • Provisioning Manager

Runs Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management to promote artifacts or data across product environments and operating systems
LCM Designer Designs migration of artifacts and applications by creating a by creating a Migration Definition File using the Lifecycle Management Functionality. Users with this role only can design, but not execute a migration.
Manage Taskflows Creates, edits, views, schedules, and runs taskflows for any EPM System product. Has full control over all taskflows.
Run Taskflows Views, schedules, and runs the taskflows that users with the Manage Taskflows role created. Cannot create or edit taskflows for any EPM System product.
Project Manager Creates and views Shared Services application groups.
Run Integrations Views and runs Shared Services data integrations