Searching for Users, Groups, Roles, and Delegated Lists

Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console enables searching for users and groups from configured user directories, and for application roles registered with Oracle Hyperion Shared Services.

When searching for users, the search parameters that you can specify depend on the type of user directory you select. For example, in Native Directory, you can search for all users, active users, and inactive users.

Search boxes displayed on the Browse tab reflect the search context based on the selection in the View pane.

To search for users, groups, roles, or delegated lists:

  1. In the View pane, expand User Directories.
  2. From the user directory that you want to search, select one of the following:
    • Users

    • Groups

    • Roles

    • Delegated List


    Roles and Delegated List are available only in Native Directory searches.

    Delegated List is available only if Shared Services is in Delegated Administration mode. See Delegated User Management for detailed information.

    Available search fields are displayed on the Browse tab.

  3. To search for users:
    1. In User Property, select a user property to search.

      The user properties that you can select depend on the type of the user directory you selected. For example, you can search user name, first name, last name, description, and email address. In Native Directory, you can search for all users, active users, or inactive users, an option that is not available while searching for users in other user directories. Except in searches using the wildcard (asterisk), records for which this property value is not set are not searched.

      Searchable user properties:

      • LDAP-based user directories: User name, first name, last name, description, and email address

      • Database providers: User name

    2. Optional: In User Filter, specify a filter for identifying specific users. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard in pattern searches.
    3. Optional: In In Group(s), specify groups in which the search is to be performed. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard in pattern searches. To search multiple groups, use a semicolon to separate group names.
    4. Native Directory only: From View, select a search context (All, Active, or Inactive).
    5. In Page Size, select the number of records to display in a search result page.
    6. Click Search.
  4. To search for groups:
    1. In Group Property select a property to search.


      Shared Services considers Oracle and SQL Server roles as equivalent to groups in user directories. Shared Services considers each role in a nested Oracle database role as a separate group that can be provisioned individually. Shared Services does not honor relationships between nested database roles.

    2. Optional: In Group Filter, enter a filter to limit the search. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard in pattern searches.
    3. Click Search.
  5. To search for roles:

    Role search is supported only for Native Directory.

    1. In Role Property, select the property to search. Records for which this property value is not set in Native Directory are not searched except in a search using the wildcard (asterisk).
    2. Optional: In Role Filter, enter a filter to limit the search. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard in pattern searches.
    3. Click Search.
  6. To search for delegated lists:
    1. In List Name, enter a search string. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard in pattern searches.
    2. Click Search.