Standard Profitability and Cost Management Roles

Table A-15 Standard Profitability and Cost Management Roles

Security Role Description
Power Roles
  • Create and maintain user accounts and security roles, and provision users, using Oracle Hyperion Shared Services

  • Generate Oracle Essbase databases

  • Set up and maintain application preferences

  • Build the model database by selecting the common dimensions and members

  • Create and maintain elements within the model, such as stages, drivers, POVs, driver selections, assignments, and application preferences

  • Perform POV Copy, calculation, validation, data entry, and trace allocations

  • Deploy to Essbase and generate calculation scripts

  • Import and export data

  • Use the Lifecycle Management Utility to promote data from one environment, such as development or testing, to another environment, such as production.

  • Back up and restore Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management model components.

  • Monitor changes made to business objects.

  • Access Profitability Application Home screen to create, maintain, register, duplicate and update Profitability and Cost Management applications using Application Loader for Exalytics.

  • Create, edit, copy, delete, and launch queries from Oracle Smart View for Office Connections screen

Note: The Power User does not necessarily require specific security roles to perform tasks. For example, if a Power User runs a calculation from the Calculate screen, this action creates and executes a taskflow behind the scenes. The Power User does not require the Manage Taskflow role to perform this task, unless the Power User wants to access this task directly from the Manage Taskflows task.

Power User
  • Create and maintain elements within the model, such as stages, drivers, POVs, driver selections, assignments, and application preferences.

  • Perform POV Copy, calculation, validation, data entry and trace allocations.

  • Deploy to Essbase and generate calculation scripts.

  • Import and export data

  • Access Profitability Application Home screen to create, maintain, register, duplicate and update Profitability and Cost Management applications using Application Loader for Exalytics.

  • Create, edit, copy, delete, and launch queries from Smart View Connections screen

Interactive Roles
Interactive User
  • View all modelling screens

  • View and modify data in the Data Entry screen

  • View Trace Allocations

  • Launch queries from Smart View Connections screen

View User View only access for these functions:
  • Trace Allocations

  • Application Preferences

  • Model Stages, Drivers and POVs

Shared Services Roles
Manage Taskflows Required to create and edit taskflows.
Run Taskflows Required to enable users to only run and view taskflows. Users with this role cannot create or edit taskflows.