
Many scenarios may cause the user and group identities of provisioned Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System users to become stale. EPM System components become inaccessible if the provisioning information available to them is stale. Scenarios that may create stale provisioning data include:

  • Retiring a user directory: Organizations may retire a user directory after moving users to another.

  • Version upgrade: User directory version upgrade may involve changes in host machine name or operating system environments requiring.

  • Vendor change: Organizations may discontinue the use of a user directory in favor of a user directory from another vendor. For example, an organization may replace its Oracle Internet Directory with a SunONE Directory Server.


  • In this appendix, the user directory that you are phasing out is referred to as the source user directory, and the user directory to which you moved the user accounts is referred to as the target user directory.

  • This Migration procedure does not support the migration of user accounts from a source user directory to a target user directory but only their association in EPM applications. Users have to be created manually in the target user directory. This process is applicable to users of any source user directory, including Native Directory.

    If a source user directory configured with Hyperion Shared Services had groups except Native Directory groups, then those groups should also be created within the target user directory.