Update the Domain Configuration

This process updates the domain configuration. Create a complete backup of your deployment before starting this procedure. Oracle recommends that you test this procedure on a test deployment before making changes on a production deployment.

To update the domain configuration:

  1. Navigate to MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oracle_common/bin directory directory:

    cd MIDDLEWARE_HOME/oracle_common/bin


    set ORACLE_HOME= /Oracle/Middleware

    set WL_HOME= /Oracle/Middleware/wlserver

    set JAVA_HOME= /Oracle/Middleware/jdk

  3. In Web Logic Console, enable the HTTP port for the Admin server.
  4. Create a keystore using a command similar to the following:

    libovdconfig.bat -host HOSTNAME -port 7001 -userName USERNAME -domainPath %MWH%\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem -createKeystore

    In this command, replace the HOSTNAME and USERNAME with the host name of the Web Logic server and the user name of the Administrator respectively. Make sure that output reports the successful creation of the OVD keystore.

  5. Export the SSL certificate from AdminServer.


    This step is applicable only for Embedded LDAP (Default Authenticator). For other LDAP's, the certificate must be exported by using the appropriate LDAPspecific commands. The certificate file format mut be Base 64 Encoded x.509
    1. Using Internet Explorer access the Web Logic admin console by connecting to https://HOSTNAME:7002/console
    2. Click View Certificate, then Details, and select Copy to file to export the SSL certificate.
    3. Save the certificate as a Base 64 Encoded x.509 certificate file to a local directory; for example, as C:\certificate\slc17rby.cer.
    4. Move the certificate to the server.
  6. Using keytool, import the certificate into the keystore that you created in step 4. Use commands similar to the following (assuming that the JAVA_HOME (and keytool executable) is in the path:

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

    keytool -importcert -keystore DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\ovd\default\keystores/adapters.jks -storepass PASSWORD -alias wcp_ssl -file CERTIFICATE_PATH -noprompt, for example:

    keytool -importcert -keystore %MWH%\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem\config\fmwconfig\ovd\default\keystores/adapters.jks -storepass examplePWD -alias wcp_ssl -file C:\certificate\slc17rby.cer -noprompt


    • The password used in this command must match the password used while generating the keystore in step 4.
    • CERTIFICATE_PATH is the location and name of the certificate
    • alias can be any alias of your choice.

    On successfully importing the certificate, keytool displays the message Certificate was added to keystore.

  7. In Web Logic Console, enable SSL port for the Admin Server in addition to the HTTP port.
  8. Restart Weblogic Admin Server and Managed Servers.
  9. Log into Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace using a secure connection to verify that everything is working.