About Searching
You can search for and retrieve documents and reports from any repository in the Explore Repository. The search operation returns a list of results based on locating keywords in document-specific metadata; for example, document name, date created, or author (for Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting Word or PDF documents only), and extracting content-based information from documents.
You can perform the following searches:
General search—Search keywords in any part of all supported content published in the Explore Repository.
Context-sensitive search—Search keywords associated with aspects of some content in all supported content published in the Explore Repository.
Search within a hierarchy—General or context-sensitive searches restricted to selected branches of the Explore Repository or to selected repositories.
Data or metadata search—If content is static, then both metadata and data are indexed (for example, filter name and selected values for the filter). If content is dynamic, then only metadata is indexed (for example, column name only).
Search results are returned on another page as a list of document references and synopses, ranked in order of relevance. Search results are:
Categorized based on content type, modified date, and file locations within the Explore Repository
Sorted by relevance or by modified date
Authorized; user credentials ensure that only user-authorized content authorized is returned