Using Advanced Search

The Advanced Search feature provides a convenient way to generate advanced search queries.

To use advanced search:

  1. Click the Advanced link next to the Search text box.
  2. Enter or select the desired search criteria, and then click Search.

Advanced search options:

  • All words—All documents in the search results contain all the keywords entered.

  • At least one word—All documents in the search results contain at least one of the keywords entered.

  • Without the words—All documents in the search results do not contain any of the keywords entered.

  • Created in the past—Restricts results to documents created within a specified time frame.

    The Custom date option activates a calendar control to search for documents created on a specified date.

    The Custom date range option activates calendar controls to search for documents created in a specified date range.

  • Modified in the past—Restricts results to documents modified within a specified time frame.

    The Custom date option activates a calendar control to search for documents last modified on a specified date.

    The Custom date range option activates calendar controls to search for documents last modified in a specified date range.

  • In folder––Restricts results to a specified repository and folder name.

  • Only search (document type)—Restricts results to documents of a specified MIME type.

    To allow for multiple document types, edit the search text field at the top of the Search Results page. For example, change sales +MimeType:application/x-brioquery to sales +(MimeType:application/x-brioquery MimeType:application/pdf).

  • Hidden file options—Defines whether to retrieve hidden files. The "hidden" attribute of a file is set within the context of its repository. For example, it can be viewed or altered by the Properties dialog box in the Explore Repository.

  • Order by—Defines the sort sequence of the search results.

Table 2-4 Advanced Search Examples

Search Term Request
"sales +LanguageCodes:de" Documents that contain the term "sales" and the "German " language.
"sales +(LanguageCodes:de LanguageCodes:es)" Documents that contain the term "sales" and the "German" language, or documents that contain the term "sales" and the "Spanish" language.