General Properties

Table 2-6 General Properties for Artifacts

General Properties Definitions

Name assigned to the file, folder, or URL.


Description of the file, folder, or URL. Limit the length to 250 characters.


(Read only) Universal Unique Identifier: A 128-bit number used to uniquely identify repository objects.


User ID of the person who imported the artifact. To change owner of an artifact, see Changing Ownership of Artifacts.

Original File Name (File objects only)

(Read-only) Name of the file when it is imported or created

Size (File objects only)

(Read-only) File size

SmartCut (File objects only)

(Read-only) A URL pointing to a file

URL (URL objects only)

The URL starts with http:// or https://.

Shortcut to (Shortcut objects only)

Path to a file to which the shortcut is pointing