Personalizing the Explore Repository

When using the Explore Repository, you can customize the appearance of the user interface.

Table 2-1 Customization Options for the Explore Repository

Customization Option Menu Command

Show/hide the View pane

View, and then View Pane

Show/hide the Masthead View, and then View Masthead

Resize the View pane and content area or the Masthead

See Resizing the View Pane and Resizing the Masthead.

Which file types are listed in the content area

View, and then Display Items of Type. See Displaying Specific File Types.

Sort items in the content area

View, and then Sort By. See Sorting Columns.

Which item properties are displayed in the content area

View, and then Show Columns. See Displaying Specific File Types.

Whether to show hidden files in the content area

View, and then Show Hidden

Whether to show duplicate items in the content area View, and then Show Duplicates