Setting Explore Preferences

Explore preferences define default folders and permissions for items that you create or import.

You can specify default permissions for specific users, groups, or roles. If you do not set these preferences, the Default folder is set to the top-most, or root folder and permissions for items are set to Empty.

To set or modify Explore preferences:

  1. From the Explore Repository, select File, then Preferences, and then click the Explore icon.
  2. Set preferences for the following:
    • Default Folder—The default folder is shown when you use Explore. Set it to the folder you access most frequently. To set the default folder, click Select. In the Select dialog box, select a folder, and then click OK.
    • Default File Permissions—Default file permissions are applied when you create a folder or import artifacts. These permissions determine the ability of a user, group, or role to access the item and whether to automatically push the item to the user, group, or role favorites. Default file permissions are automatically applied to all artifacts you create or import. You can override these defaults by manually changing the permissions when you create or import the artifact.

      To set default file permissions:

      • Click Set Permissions to access the Permissions dialog box where you can set the default permissions for users, groups, and roles.
      • Select which product to apply the default permissions to:
        • All Other Documents
        • Folders
  3. Click OK to save your changes.