Defining Import Formats for Data Synchronization Between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and EPM Applications

Data synchronization also enables Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition to map the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System application dimension to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Segment/Chartfield.

To create Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to EPM mappings:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

  2. In Import Format, from the Import Format summary grid, select an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source application.

    Depending on your selection in this field, the Source field shows only the registered Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) sources and file for an ERP source type; or registered EPM applications.

    For example, the Source field may be an Oracle Hyperion Financial Management or Oracle Hyperion Planning for an EPM source type.

  3. In the Import Format Detail grid, select the dimension to map from the Source Column drop-down.

  4. Optional: Add other dimensions as needed by selecting a dimension type from the Add drop-down.

    Available options include:

    • Currency Row

    • Attribute Row

    • Description Row

    • Dimension Row

  5. In the Expression field, enter an expression or import script to the import format.

    When entering a constant, you must still enter a starting position and length. Use a start position of "1" and a length of "1."

    See Adding Import Expressions.

  6. Click Save.

To create EPM to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (Write-back) mapping:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

  2. In Import Format, from the Import Format summary grid, select an EPM source application.

  3. Select the Segment.

  4. Choose the type of mapping by selecting either the Explicit tab, Between tab, Multi-Dimension, or Like tab.

    • Explicit—The source value is matched exactly and replaced with the target value. For example, the source value, "ABC" is replaced with the target value, "123." "Explicit" write-back mappings are created the same for data load and data write-back rules. See Creating Mappings Using the Explicit Method.

    • Between—The range of source values is replaced with a single target value. For example, a range from "001" to "010" is replaced as one value: "999." "Between" write-back mappings are created the same for data load and data write-back rules. See Creating Mappings Using the Between Method.

    • In—In mappings enable a list of non-sequential source accounts to be mapped to one target account. In this case, multiple accounts are mapped to one account within one rule, eliminating the need to create multiple rules (as is required for an Explicit map).

    • Like—The string in the source value is matched and replaced with the target value. For example, the source value, "Department" is replaced with the target value, 'Cost Center A. See Creating Mappings Using the Like Method.

      Write-back mappings provide a means to remove or strip characters that were added during the data load process. "Like" write back mappings are created similar to but reversed from the data load.

    • Multi-Dimension—Define member mapping based on multiple source column values.


    You can click Refresh Values to refresh the list of segments or chartfield values that appear in the drop-down list from the source system. This is especially helpful when creating "Explicit," "Between," "Like", and "Multi-Dimension" mappings for data write-back data loads.