Defining the Metadata Rule Details

Single segment or chartfield mappings define a simple one-to-one mapping between source and target dimension members. When you create single segment or chartfield mappings, you can optionally define:

  • A member prefix or suffix type and value

  • Segment hierarchies to extract from the source system

  • Orphan member handling

  • Statistical Account handling

To define the mapping details:

  1. Optional: In Prefix/Suffix Type, select Prefix or Suffix.
  2. In Prefix/Suffix Value, enter the member prefix or suffix.

    Member prefixes are inserted before the source member code. Although optional, it is important to prefix the segment values with a prefix defined for the corresponding dimension when those members do not exist in the target application.

    Member suffixes are inserted after the source member code.


    When you perform the next steps to define the hierarchy region starting parent, consider that Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Essbase, and Oracle Hyperion Financial Management do not allow members to roll up to the parent under the same root. When extracting, specify hierarchies where every node has one parent. E-Business Suite supports instances where a segment value can roll up to two parents.

  3. Select Concatenate Name to Alias to concatenate the Name and Alias.
  4. From EPMA Option, select the EPMA metadata load option.

    Metadata load options:

    • Merge as Primary—Merge as Primary processes all sections and adds new dimensions, members, relationships, properties and associations that exist in the source, but do not exist in the Shared Library or target application. No dimensions, members, relationships, properties, or associations are removed. If a dimension, relationship, member, or property specified in the source exists in the Shared Library or target application it is overwritten with the value specified in the source. (Members are not moved, but overwritten.) Properties not included in the source are unchanged in the Shared Library or target application.


      If a member has multiple instances in a dimension, the IsPrimary column specifies which instance is primary and which instances are shared. The IsPrimary parameter is optional; however, Oracle strongly recommend that you use it. If left undefined, it defaults to "True," which assumes that the member is primary. If you do not define the IsPrimary parameter or when there are duplicate members defined as primary, a warning is displayed in the Import Results file.

    • Merge as Move—This mode processes only members with IsPrimary set to true and ignores any others. During processing, the first line specifying a primary location for a member is executed, any subsequent lines specifying a different primary location are ignored, and a warning message is displayed.

    • Replace—All new elements are added, and all property updates are made. Then, any members or member relationships that are not specified in the source are deleted from the Shared Library or target application. You can also use replace mode to reorder members under a parent. Properties not included in the source are unchanged in the Shared Library or target application.

      This mode does not create Shared members unless they are defined in the import file (IsPrimary=false). This mode can detect a primary member under a new parent and process it as a move.


      The Replace option does not display the Reorder Type and Reorder Existing Members options.

  5. For E-Business Suite source systems:
    1. For Planning and Essbase applications—Account dimension mapping details. Select the Time Balance Property for Balance Sheet Accounts and Time Balance Property for Income Statement Accounts.

      The time balance property specifies how the value of summary time periods is calculated. If set to "Flow," it is an aggregate of all values for a summary time period as a period total. If the time balance property is set to "Balance," it is considered an ending value in a summary time period for the period total.

    2. From the Hierarchy Region tab, click Add to define the hierarchy region.
    3. Click Image shows Search button or enter the Starting Parent.
    4. Select Base Hierarchy.

      The base hierarchy indicates the part of the hierarchy that is the base, and those parts of the hierarchy that share the same parent. All nonshared members of base hierarchies have the "Store Data" property set. However, shared members cannot be set to "Store Data."

    5. Select a prefix or suffix for the hierarchy, and then enter a prefix/suffix value.

      The parent prefix is applied only to the parent. To enable alternate rollup hierarchies, the Prefix/Suffix value applies only to parent members. Parent members cannot be shared and must have a unique name. In addition, parent members do not store data.

  6. For PeopleSoft source systems:
    1. From the Hierarchy Region tab, click Add to define the hierarchy region tree.
    2. In Tree, enter the tree name for the hierarchical structure.

      Trees depict hierarchical structures that represent a group of summarization rules for a selected database field. For example, a tree can specify how your manufacturing locations should be summarized, or rolled up, for reporting purposes. A tree can also show the reporting relationships within an organization by specifying which individual department should be summarized into territories, territories into regions, and regions into countries. Similarly, a tree can categorize items in a catalog.

    3. in Effective Date, specify the effective date of the tree.

      Using effective dates with trees enables you to specify new objects, departments, reporting relationships, or organizational structures in advance and have them take effect automatically. You can also use trees with past, present, or future effective dates when reporting on current or historic data.

    4. Click Image shows Search button or enter the Starting Parent.
    5. Select Base Hierarchy.

      In a base hierarchy, other parts of the hierarchy that share a parent are shared. They cannot be set to "Store Data." Unshared members; however, have the "Store Data" property set. All nonshared members of base hierarchies have the "Store Data" property set. However, shared members cannot be set to "Store Data."

    6. Select a prefix or suffix for the hierarchy, and then enter a prefix/suffix value.

      The parent prefix is applied only to the parent. To enable alternate rollup hierarchies, the Prefix/Suffix value applies only to parent members. Parent members cannot be shared and must have a unique name. In addition, parent members do not store data.

    7. From Select how to process source orphan members, select the method for handling orphan members:
      • Ignore—No orphan members from the source are extracted.

      • Create as Root Member—Root members are created, and orphan members are not. All members are created at the top-level of the hierarchy.

      • Create as Children of—Orphan members are placed as children of the member specified in the entry field to the right "Create as Children of field."

  7. Planning only: Select the Plan Type for the Accounting and Entity dimensions.
  8. Financial Management only: If you are mapping an Entity dimension, enter the following details for intercompany segments, depending on your source system:
    • Intercompany Segment Value

    • For Intercompany Default, select Yes or No.

    In the scenario where the Intercompany segment is defined, the Intercompany transactions are identified based on the Intercompany segment. Typically, one set of natural accounts is required for accounting the receivable and payable among the Intercompanies.

    In the scenario where there is no Intercompany segment, identify the Intercompany transactions based explicitly on the natural account segment. Typically, all combinations of receivable and payable accounts exist among the transacting partner companies. Only with these natural accounts are the receivable and payable positions between the Intercompanies known.

  9. Click Save.