Creating Member Mappings

You use member mappings to identify how source dimensionality translates to target dimensionality based on source values. Member mappings are referenced during the data load, enabling Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition to determine how to dimensionalize the data that is loaded to the target application. They define relationships between source members and target dimension members within a single dimension. You must create a member mapping for each target dimension.

The five types of member mappings:

  • Explicit—The source value is matched exactly and replaced with the target value.

  • Between—The range of source values is replaced with a single target value.

  • In—Enables a list of non-sequential source values to be mapped to one target value.

  • Multi-Dimension—Target value is assigned for a combination of source segment/chartfields.

  • Like—The string in the source value is matched and replaced with the target value.

The following table is an example of a member mapping, where three segment members, Cash-101, Cash-102, and Cash-103 map to one EPM member Cash.

Table 3-1 How Segment Members Map to EPM Members

Segment/Chartfield Member EPM Member
Cash-101 Cash
Cash-102 Cash
Cash-103 Cash
Expense-1 Expense
Expense-2 Expense

You can use special characters for the source values. See Using Special Characters in the Source Value Expression for Like Mappings and Using Special Characters in the Target Value Expression.


Target values for multi-dimensional mapping must be an explicit member name. Wildcard or special characters are not supported

To define member mappings:

  1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
  2. In Data Load Mapping, select the Location.
  3. Select the Dimension.
  4. Choose the type of mapping by selecting the Explicit tab, Between tab, Multi-Dimension tab, or Like tab.


    If you define a metadata mapping for the dimension, FDMEE automatically creates a "Like" member mapping. If you enter a member prefix, the same member prefix is automatically entered as the target value in the member mapping. "DEFAULT" displays in the rule name and description field for system-generated mappings. When data is extracted, user-defined mappings are extracted first, and then system generated mappings.

    Type options:

    • Explicit—The source value is matched exactly and replaced with the target value. For example, source value "ABC" is replaced with target value "123." See Creating Mappings Using the Explicit Method.

    • Between—The range of source values is replaced with a single target value. For example, a range from "001" to "010" is replaced as one value: "999". See Creating Mappings Using the Between Method.

    • In—In mappings enable a list of non-sequential source values to be mapped to one target value. In this case, multiple values are mapped to one value within one rule, eliminating the need to create multiple rules (as is required for an Explicit map). For example, you could have source accounts 1503, 1510, and 1515 map to the target account 15000010.

    • Multi-dimension—For the specified combination of multiple source values a target value is assigned.

      For example, if the source value combination is Entity-001,002 Department-ABC, XYZ Account-1222, 1333, then the target value assigned for Account Dimension is 1200.

    • Like—The string in the source value is matched and replaced with the target value. For example, the source value "Department" is replaced with the target value "Cost CenterA". See Creating Mappings Using the Like Method.

    When processing the source values for transformations, multiple mappings may apply to a specific source value. The order of precedence is Explicit, Between, In, Multi-Dimension, and Like. Within Between and Like types, mappings can overlap.

    The rule name determines precedence within a mapping type. Rules are processed in alphabetical order of the rule name within a mapping type. Numbers may also be used to help with ordering. For example, if numbering by tens or one hundred, insert new rules between existing ones. For example, if rules are numbered 10, 20, and 30, add a rule that starts with 25 so that you do not need to rename other rules.


    Avoid using special characters in names or spaces if you plan to use batch scripts. Some characters may cause issues when run from a command line.


    You can click Refresh Values to refresh the list of segments or chartfield values that are displayed. Doing so is helpful when you're creating Explicit mappings.