Operator and Value/Expression

NA Operator

NA (no operator)—If NA is specified, the source accounts that are specified in the Criteria Value field are summed. For example, when the Type = Between and the Criteria Value = "1100,1200," then Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition creates one new account summarizing the values for source accounts that are between 1100 and 1200 for each entity where the accounts exist in the source file.

Image shows NA operators

Math Operator

Math Operators (+, -, x, /)—If a math operator is selected, then the new logic records has an amount that equals the original amount is calculated with the specified Value/Expression. For example, when the operator "x" was selected and 2 is entered in the Value/Expression field, then the new record has an amount two times the original amount.

Use a numeric operator to perform simple mathematical calculations:

  • NA (no operator)

  • + (addition)

  • - (subtraction)

  • X (multiplication)

  • / (division)

  • Exp (expression operators)

  • Function—see Function

Image shows Math operators

In this example, one logic account is created because one Entity had a row meeting the account criteria.