

Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition import integration is implemented using the Jython scripting engine. The Visual Basic scripting engine cannot be used with import scripts.

When working with import scripts, note the following considerations:

  • Import scripts are executed as source files are imported.

  • Import scripts are only valid for file-based data loads.

  • Import scripts must be created using Jython functions only. The format is "def <name>(parm1, parm2)" and a return value.

  • Import script pass two parameters by FDMEE:

    • a dimension value defined by the import format

    • an entire record from the source

    For example, when the account column is defined as position 2 to position 4 characters, then this value gets passed as the value for the field, and the whole input line is passed as the second parameter. In the sample script (see Import Script Sample) these parameters are specified by the StrField and StrRec values, but can be any name as long as you remember that the first parameter is the field, and the second one is the entire record.

  • An import script on the Amount column is always executed first.

  • The file name and the function name must be the same.

  • The return value from the function populates the source column in the TDATASEG table for the specified dimension. You can only return a single value.

  • It is recommended that you use a text editor to edit your script, and then copy and paste it into FDMEE.

  • Import scripts are not handled in Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management.