Running Check Reports for a BSO Essbase Cube

Before running a Check Report for an BSO Essbase cube, make sure that a fully qualified name is used to differentiate any duplicate members used within dimensions or across dimensions. To construct a fully qualified name from a duplicate member name, add the fully qualified name as a rule logic statement on the Rule Logic Add/Edit as Text screen (see Adding a Rule Logic Statement as Free Form Text). This requirement applies to Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management, Financial Consolidation and Close, and Tax Reporting.

Note that a fully qualified member name comprises the duplicate member or alias name and all ancestors up to and including the dimension name. Each name must be enclosed in brackets ([ ]) and separated by a period (.). The syntax is as follows:


For example:

[Market].[East].[State].[New York]
[Market].[East].[City].[New York]

See Oracle® Essbase Database Administrator’s Guide.