I Setting up Jython, Eclipse and Python

This appendix explains how to set up Jython, Eclipse and PyDev for use with the Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition scripting component.

This section is specific to the release of FDMEE. Because Jython, Eclipse and Python are not Oracle products, always refer to these products' documentation for the latest updates and changes. See The Definitive Guide to Jython, Python documentation, and Eclipse documentation.

To set up Jython:

  1. Create a working directory.

    For example, create: C:\FDMEE.

  2. Download Jython to the working directory.

    The download is available at Jython.

    Double-click the Jython installer jar and select the following options:

    • English Language

    • Standard Install

    • Default Location (C:\FDMEE\jython2.5.1)

    • Current Java Home

  3. Download Eclipse to working directory and extract.

    The Eclipse download is available at http://www.eclipse.org/downloads


    In addition to Eclipse, users may use Notepad++ with the Jython add-in, or the Python Fiddle site to write and test scripts. Pythonfiddle is a good site for writing event scripts, and the Chrome browser is recommended for pythonfiddle. For more advanced scripts, Eclipse or Jdeveloper are recommended

  4. Launch Eclipse from the C:\FDMEE\eclipse\eclipse.exe.

  5. Select the directory and select a default location for your Workspace.

    For example select c:\FDMEE\Workspace

  6. If the Welcome page is displayed, skip it by selecting the Workbench link in the top right corner.

  7. Select the following menu option to update your preferences:

    1. Select Windows, and then select Preferences.

    2. Add PyDev to the Available Software Sites:

      To do this:

      1. Select Install/Update, then select Available Software Sites, and then click Add.

      2. In Name, enter PyDev.

      3. In Location, enter: PyDev site.

  8. Change the default text editor options:

    To do this:

    1. Select General, then select Editors, and then select Text Editors.

    2. For the Displayed tab width, enter 2.

    3. Enable the Insert spaces for tabs option.

    4. Enable the Show print margin option.

    5. Enable the Show line numbers option.

  9. Select the Menu option.

    To do this:

    1. Select Help, and then select Install New Software...

    2. In Work with, select PyDev.

    3. From PYDev available software list, select the PyDev node, and then click Next.

    4. Confirm the PyDev for Eclipse installation, and then click Next.

    5. Accept the licensing terms, and then click Finish.

    6. Once the install starts, you are prompted about Aptana PyDev; and PyDev; Aptana certificates. Make sure you select the certificates, and then click OK.

    7. Restart Eclipse to complete the PyDev installation.

  10. Update your PyDev preferences:

    To do this:

    1. Select Windows, and then select Preferences.

    2. Configure the Jython interpreter used by PyDev:

      1. Select PyDev, and then select Interpreter-Jython.

      2. Click New.

      3. Click Browse.

      4. Select C:\FDMEE\jython2.5.1\jython.jar

      5. Click OK.

      6. When prompted to select the folders to add to the SYSTEM python path, do not change any selection, and then click OK.

      7. Click OK to close the Preferences window.