Setting up ODI to Integrate with JD Edwards

To set up ODI to integrate with JD Edwards:

  1. Download the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver (DAD) driver:

    1. Display My Support by clicking My Oracle Support.

    2. Select the Patches and Updates tab, and then select JD Edwards Patches.

    3. From JDEdwards, enter: EnterpriseOne Tools Releases.

    4. In Release, select All Releases.

    5. In Platform, select Multiplatform.

    6. In Description (*text*), enter: *Data Access Driver*.

      Include asterisks as it is a wildcard search.

    7. Select the License Agreement check box.

    8. Click Search.

    9. Click the plus sign (+) to add Tools 9.2,* Data Access Driver to the Download Basket.


      Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition supports JD Edwards Tools 9.2.5 or higher. If you use JDE Tools 9.2.x.x, then use the 9.2.x.x DAD Driver.
    10. Click the Item(s) hyperlink and download the tools release specific item.

  2. To copy the DAD driver:

    The DAD driver has a .par extension, but it can be unzipped.

    1. Unzip the archive file to a temporary directory.

    2. Extract (or unzip) the JAR file DADriver_EAR.jar.

    3. Copy the extracted contents of the DADriver_EAR.jar to the EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\odi\sdk\lib directory.

  3. Request that the JD Edwards system administrator provide you with the following files:

    • jdbj.ini

    • jas.ini


    These files are generated when you register the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver using the JD Edwards Server Manager.

  4. Copy the jas.ini, jdbj.ini, and files from the JDE Application Server to the EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\odi\sdk\lib directory.

  5. Ensure that the security server of the jas.ini file is set up correctly.

  6. Review and edit the jdbj.ini file as follows:

    1. If the JD Edwards application database is Oracle, update the location in the tnsnames.ora file:

      For example, modify tns=EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\user_projects\config\dbclient/tnsnames.ora in the jdbj.ini file.

      Forward or backward slashes can be used.

    2. Encrypt the {JDBj-BOOTSTRAP SESSION] stanza, and then the password value.

      If the stanza has not changed, no update is required.

    3. Modifications to the .INI file password encryption can be accomplished using the Server Manager.

    4. Set the value of the following parameters under [JDBj-RUNTIME PROPERTIES] stanza to:

    5. Edit the tnsnames.ora file.

      If the tnsnames.ora entry exists, copy and rename it.

      The tnsnames.ora file must include the reference to the JDE server, for example,

      jdeprod =
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 
          (CONNECT_DATA =      
            (SERVER = DEDICATED)
            (SERVICE_NAME = jdeprod)

      The tnsnames.ora file is located in EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\user_projects\config\dbclient/tnsnames.ora.

  7. Edit the file, and set the log level as needed in all references in the file.

    1. In a production environment, set the log level to SEVERE so that only severe errors are reported in the log file.

    2. Change the file path in for log to EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem\serever\ErpIntgegrator0\logs.

      For example, specify: FILE=EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem\serever\ErpIntgegrator0\logs\e1driver.log in all instances found in the file.

  8. Ensure that you can access the server specified in the jdbj.ini file from the ODI Server.

    You can do so from the command line by issuing a ping to the server.

  9. Make sure that environmental variables JAVA_HOME and TEMP are set up correctly.

    JAVA_HOME is an environmental variable and points to java.exe under EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\jdk160_35\bin

    TEMP is a user variable and points to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp.

    Setting environmental variables might require restarting the machine.

  10. If JD Edwards uses Microsoft SQL Server or IBM databases, then download the JDBC driver and copy it to the DOMAIN HOME/lib directory.

    Typically, this is the EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\user_projects\domains\EPMSystem\lib directory.

    Refer to the JD Edwards Tools documentation for the supported versions of the JDBC driver for the database platform.

  11. Search for "environment" in the jdbj.ini file and note the environment values:

  12. From ODI Studio, then Topology, then Technologies, and then Oracle, select JDE_DATA_SERVER.

    Image shows Architecture pane in ODI
    1. In the Definition section, specify the following values:

      1. In User, specify: JDE_USER.

      2. In Password, specify: JDE_USER.

    2. In the JDBC section, values should be:

      • JDBC Drivercom.jdedwards.jdbc.driver.JDBCDriver

      • JDBC URL jdbc:oracle:enterpriseone://JDV920;RMNEQN=1;enterpriseone.role=*ALL

    3. From Physical Schema, select JDE for the user.

      Select the second (indented) JDE server which is the Physical Schema.

  13. Restart FDMEE services

  14. In Oracle Data Integrator, perform a JDE Test Connection with the ODI Agent.

    1. From the ODI Studio, launch the Oracle Data Integrator.

    2. From Physical Architecture, then Technologies, and then Oracle, select JDE_Data_Server.

      Test the JDE Test Connection with the ODIAgent and not the local Agent.

    3. Click Test Connection.

    4. From Test Connection for, select OracleDIAgent, and then click Test.

    5. From Physical Architecture, then Agents, then OracleDIAgent, right click, and select Test.

      An information window displays when the test is successful.

  15. Copy the following files from the FDMEE server location EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\EPMSystem11R1\products\FinancialDataQuality\odi\\workrep to the server where ODI Studio is installed:

    • MFOL_JDE_Adapter_Model.xml

    • MFOL_JDE_Adapter_Project.xml

    • PROJ_JDE_Adapter_Project.xml


    1. From ODI Studio, then Designer, complete the following:

      1. Select Project.

      2. Select Import Project.

      3. Select Import Type INSERT_UPDATE.

      4. From File Import Directory, select the directory where the files were copied.

    2. From ODI Studio, then Designer, then Model, select Import Model Folder and then complete the following:

      1. Select Model.

      2. Select Import Model Folder.

      3. Select Import Type INSERT_UPDATE.

      4. Select Select File Import Directory.

      5. From File Import Directory, select the directory where the files were copied.

  16. Restart FDMEE services.

  17. Copy the JDE_Adapter.xml file from the FDMEE server location EPM_MIDDLEWARE_HOME\EPMSystem11R1\products\FinancialDataQuality\odi\\adapters to the FDMEE application inbox.

    Next complete the following:

    1. Login to the Workspace.

    2. Navigate to FDMEE, and then from Setup, select Source Adapter.

    3. Select Import and import the JDE_Adapter from the inbox.

    You are ready to define an integration to load data from JDE Source System.