Submitting a Report

This example shows how to submit a report. The script calls a batch file that includes the necessary parameters instead of including the parameters directly in the script. Note that if you try to submit a report script with an equal sign (=) in the parameters, the script fails.

This sample Jython script provides code related to custom scripts. All the messages being logged (meaning printed) are visible in the process log file as per Log Level profile.
# Log the beginning of the script, at the INFO level
fdmAPI.logInfo("Custom Script: Begin")
# Execute the subprocess to call and run the batch file
import os
import subprocess
myScriptName = "D:/ORCL/MW/EPMSystem11R1/products/FinancialDataQuality/bin/myreport.bat"
retcode = subprocess.Popen(myScriptName) 
fdmAPI.logDebug("The return code = " + retcode)

The myreport.bat file referenced above can contain the equal sign as a parameter as in the following:

runreport.bat <username> <password> "TB All Columns (Per,Cat,Loc)" "Period=Jan 15" "Category=Actual" "Location=AAA" "Rule Name=AAA" "Report Output Format=PDF"