Using a Prepackaged Integration for SAP

For prepackaged integrations for SAP, review the instructions in the readme to download the necessary information from Oracle's integration partner. Oracle delivers the Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Project and an Adapter Definition XML file. For the SAP integrations, the integration partner delivers the ODI Project and Adapter XML.

To use the prepackaged integration:

  1. Use the ODI Console to import the Project & Model definitions into the Work Repository setup for Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition.
  2. Copy the Adapter Definition XML to a location under the directory that has been set up as the Application Root directory in System Settings.
  3. Use the Source Adapter screen to import the Adapter XML file.

    To import a file:

    1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Source Adapter.
    2. In the Source Adapter, select Import.
    3. In Select file to import, navigate to the file to import, and then click OK.

      The file name depends on the adapter desired. For example, select:

      • SAP_GLNew_Adapter.xml

      • SAP_GLClassic_Adapter.xml

      • SAP_PC_Adapter.xml

      • SAP_CC_Adapter.xml

      • SAP_AP_Adapter.xml

      • SAP_AR_Adapter.xml

    4. Optional: To browse for a file, select Upload.
    5. In Select a file to upload, click Browse to navigate to the file to import, and then click OK.
  4. Create an import format of new type Source Adapter that defines the mapping between the source columns (identified in the source adapter) and the target application dimensions.
  5. Define the Locations and Data Rule.

    When you execute the data rule, the new ODI Scenario associated with the import format is used to extract the data from the source and stage it in the FDMEE staging table (TDATASEG).