Validation with Mapping Errors

Because newly added dimension members may be unmapped, the addition of dimension members to source systems can produce validation errors. If a dimension member is unmapped, the Validate fish is grey and a Validation Error screen is launched in the Workbench, which shows the number of dimension members that are not mapped (consequently, undefined). You must correct any unmapped dimension members before running the validation again.

Validation Errors Screen

To correct conversion-table errors:

  1. In the top region of the Validation screen, highlight a row that requires correction.
  2. Correct any unmapped accounts.

    In the top region of the Validation Error screen, the unmapped item is inserted into the Source value, and the bottom region shows all rows with that source value. For example, if the top region displays a value of Entity dimension with Source Value 01, then the bottom region should show all rows where ENTITY = ‘01.’

    See Defining the Import Format Mappings.

  3. Click Validate to refresh the validation form.

    Source data that passes the validation process can be loaded to the target system.