Viewing Data

The View data provides multiple ways to view data including:

Table—Selects the source or target data to display in the grid:

  • Source (All)—Shows both mapped and unmapped source dimensions (ENTITY, ACCOUNT, UD1, UD2,… AMOUNT).

  • Source (Mapped)—Shows only mapped source dimensions.

  • Target—Shows only target dimensions (ENTITYX, ACCOUNTX, UD1X, UD2X,….AMOUNTX).

  • Source and Target—Shows both source and target dimensions (ENTITY, ENTITYX, ACCOUNT, ACCOUNTX, UD1, UD1X, AMOUNT, AMOUNTX).

Columns—Selects the columns to display in the data:

  • Show All

  • Entity

  • Account

  • Version

  • Product

  • Department

  • STAT

  • Amount

  • Source Amount


For Oracle E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft, the Account Descriptions is also available for viewing.

Freeze/Unfreeze—Locks a column in place and keeps it visible when you scroll the data grid. The column heading must be selected to use the freeze option. To unfreeze a column, select the column and from the shortcut menu, select Unfreeze.

Detach/Attach—Detaches columns from the data grid. Detached columns display in their own window. To return to the default view, select View, and then click Attach or click Close.

Sort—Use to change the sort order of columns in ascending or descending order. A multiple level sort (up to three levels and in ascending and descending order) is available by selecting Sort, and then Advanced. From the Advanced Sort screen, select the primary "sort by" column, and then the secondary "then by" column, and then the third "then by" column.

The search fields that are displayed in the advanced search options differ depending on what artifact you are selecting.

Reorder Columns—Use to change the order of the columns. When you select this option, the Reorder Columns screen is displayed. You can select a column, and then use the scroll buttons on the right to change the column order.

Query by Example—Use to toggle the filter row. You can use the filter row to enter text to filter the rows that are displayed for a specific column. You can enter text to filter on, if available, for a specific column, and then click Enter. To clear a filter, remove the text to filter by in the text box, then click Enter. All text you enter is case sensitive.