Views Used for Export to Target

Table D-3 Export to Target Views

Table/View Name Description
AIF_HS_BALANCES Interface view used for exporting data to a target application in a data rule execution. This view queries the TDATASEG_T table directly by summarizing the target amounts across the unique target dimension member combinations.
AIF_EBS_GL_INTERFACE_V Interface view used for exporting data back to the E-Business Suite general ledger system in a data load to write back rule execution. This view queries the TDATASEG table directly by summarizing the target amounts across the unique target segment value combinations.
AIF_PS_GL_INTERFACE_V Interface view used for exporting data back to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management system in a data load rule to write back rule execution. This view queries the TDATASEG table directly by summarizing the target amounts across the unique target ChartField value combinations.