Associating a Report with a Report Group

To add a report definition and associate a report with the report group definition:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Reports, select Report Definition.

  2. In Report Definition, select the Reports tab.

    The Report tab consists of three regions:

    • Summary—Lists all report definitions.

    • Details—Shows the report name, associated base query definition, report group, and associated template.

    • Parameters—Shows the parameter name and type, display name, sequence, parameter value, and any query definition used to supply a list of values for a given report parameter.

  3. In the summary grid, click Add.

  4. In the detail grid, in Name, enter the name of the report definition.

  5. In Group, select the report group name associated with the definition.

    To search on a report group, click Search button. and choose a report group from the Search and Select: Group screen.

    Report groups are created on the Report Group tab. See Adding Report Groups.

  6. Click Save.

To copy a report:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Reports, select Report Definition.

  2. In Report Definition, in the Report summary grid, select the report.

  3. In the Report summary grid, click Copy Current Report.

    The copied report is added to the list of reports. The name of the report takes the original report name appended with "_copy."