Viewing Data Load Results

To view data load results, click Manage, then Periods, then select the period, then Actions, and then Load Data.

The results column of the Data Load dialog box is blank unless a system error occurs or a completeness error exists for the load.

Error—If a systemic data load process failure occurs. Clicking the link opens a dialog box that displays the error message and links to a detailed error log.

Completeness Error—Describes how to verify that you are reconciling 100% of your accounts. Completeness errors:

  • Missing Profiles—Exist with a frequency that matches the frequency of the period (indicating it is supposed to be reconciled this period), and a balance is mapped to the profile; however the Administrator either forgot to copy the profile to the period, or it was copied and deleted.

    To view missing profile errors, select Manage then Periods, then the period, then Actions, and then Identify Missing Profiles. See Identifying Missing Profiles.

  • Unmapped Accounts—Balances exist in the source system, but Data Management does not map these balances to a profile in Account Reconciliation. These accounts are visible in the Data Load Workbench by viewing "Invalid" records.

    To view unmapped accounts, select Manage, then Periods, then the period, then Actions, and then Load Data. "Unmapped Accounts" warnings in the Results column means balances in the source system did not make their way into a reconciliation in Account Reconciliation because a mapping rule is missing. Click the Unmapped Accounts link to see the list, or view it from the Data Management Data Load Workbench.

  • Invalid Profiles—Balances exist in the source system, and a mapping rule exists in Data Management, but the mapping rule is mapping the balance to a profile that doesn't exist in Account Reconciliation. These accounts will not show up in the Data Management Data Load Workbench under the Invalid filter because, from Data Management perspective, these accounts are properly mapped. However, they are mapped to a profile in ARM that once existed but no longer does. Therefore, search for these errors in ARM.

    To view invalid profiles, select Manage, then Periods, then the period, then Actions, and then Load Data. Click the link to see the accounts affected by the error. To correct these errors, locate the mapping rule in Data Management and fix the rule to map the balances to a valid profile in Account Reconciliation.