23 Managing Profiles

Profiles are one of the most important objects within Reconciliation Manager and are the pre-cursors to reconciliations. They contain he configuration settings like the current preparer and reviewer assignments, account descriptions, instructions, format assignments, and risk ratings and determine reconciliation behavior.

Each month, profiles are copied to periods by the administrator and reconciliations are created from profiles by Administrators. The process of creating reconciliations from profiles causes a snapshot of the profiles to be taken and stored along with the reconciliations. Over time, profile configurations may change. However, the profile information stored with the reconciliations is never impacted by these changes.

One set of profiles may be created and used for both Account Analysis or Balance Comparison methods. To perform a Variance Analysis, you need to create a separate set of profiles however, Variance Analysis profiles can be used in the same periods as profiles using the other methods.

Administrators and authorized power users can update profiles and reconciliations to change user assignments and attributes used for reporting. Attributes that affect the type of reconciliation being performed (including formats and currency bucket configuration) cannot be changed on reconciliations. If changes must occur, the reconciliation must be deleted, and the changes must be applied to the profile directly. Then, the profile can be copied again to the period. A new reconciliation is created, which is a snapshot of the new profile configuration.

Profiles are associated with source system and subsystem balances through mapping rules established in Data Management.

The copy-to-period function can occur in the Manage Periods dialog box and in the Profile List View.