B Order of Precedence Rules for Account Reconciliation

Sucessfully executing a rule may prevent a later rule from being invoked. For example, if a customer assigns an auto-reconciliation rule to a reconciliation, and the auto-reconciliation succeeds, then any rule tied to the Submit function (such as require reconciliation attachment) would never be invoked.

Table B-1 Order of Precedence Rules

Rule Rule Type Runs When Precedence Notes

Auto Approve Reconciliation

Format/Profile Rule

  • Reconciliation status changes to Open with Reviewer.

  • During post-processing of data loads to handle cases where the rule is based on balance conditions that may be satisfied as a result of the data load process.

If multiple Auto Approve rules are configured, then the success of any rule causes the reconciliation to be automatically approved.

Auto Submit Reconciliation

Format/Profile Rule

  • Reconciliation status changes from Pending to Open with Preparer.

  • During post-processing of data loads to handle cases where the reconciliation is already open, but conditions are satisfied as a result of the data load process.

The Copy Transactions Rule is processed before the Auto Submit Reconciliation Rule is evaluated.

Copy Transactions

Copies the transactions from the same reconciliation in the last reconciliation performed by the user.

This copy function behaves the same as the Copy Transactions from Prior Reconciliation window. The transactions, transaction attachments, and transaction comments from the previous reconciliation that are copied are selected based on the conditions established.

Format Transaction Rule

Reconciliation status changes from Pending to Open with Preparer.

The Copy Transactions Rule is processed before the Auto Submit Reconciliation Rule is evaluated.

Prevent Amount Edit

Format Transaction Rule

When Preparer accesses the Transaction Detail dialog box.

When the conditions associated with the rule are met, the Preparer cannot edit the transaction amount through the application (the amount attribute is disabled, and any override features for calculated amounts are also disabled). In addition, import validations prevent editing the Amount through import.

Prevent Reconciliation Approval

Format/Profile Rule

Approver clicks Approve

Rules triggered when the approver clicks Approve. Can be evaluated in any order. If any rule succeeds, then the Approve function is prevented.

Prevent Reconciliation Submission

Format/Profile Rule

Preparer clicks Submit.

Rule triggered when the preparer clicks Submit. Can be evaluated in any order (the order is irrelevant). If any rule succeeds, then the Submit function is prevented.

Prevent Transaction Delete

Format Transaction Rule

Preparer clicks transaction Delete.

Rule triggered when the preparer clicks Delete. Can be evaluated in any order. If any rule succeeds, then the Delete function is prevented.

Prevent Transaction Save

Format Transaction Rule

Preparer clicks transaction Save

Rules triggered when the preparer clicks the transaction Save. Can be evaluated in any order (the order is irrelevant). If any rule succeeds, then the Submit function is prevented.

Require Transaction Attachment

Format Transaction Rule

Preparer clicks transaction Save

Rules triggered when the preparer clicks the transaction Save. Can be evaluated in any order. If any rule succeeds, then the Submit function is prevented.

Require Reconciliation Attachment

Format/Profile Rule

Preparer clicks Submit

Rule triggered when the preparer clicks Submit. Can be evaluated in any order. If any rule succeeds, then the Submit function is prevented.

Set Attribute Value

Format/Profile Rules

According to "Run When" attribute configuration:

Profile attribute: Before profile is copied to period.

Format/Profile Rules