Managing Organizational Units for Account Reconciliiation Manager

Organizational Units allow administrators to model regions, entities, business units, divisions, departments, and any other entity that might be affiliated with a task or reconciliation. Organizational units are hierarchical to facilitate reporting.

Administrators can expand and collapse sections of the hierarchy.

To add an organization:

  1. In Account Reconciliation, select Manage, and then System Settings. In System Settings, select Organizational Units.
  2. Click Actions, and then Add.
  3. On the Properties tab, enter:
    • Name

      Mandatory, cannot exceed 50 characters, and the name need not be unique. Administrators can change the name anytime.

    • Organizational Unit ID

      A unique ID used to identify the transaction for Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management purposes. Organizational Unit ID is mandatory and cannot be changed after an organizational unit is set.

    • Description


    • Time Zone

      Optional. Determines which time zone applies to the organizational unit. For information on supported time zones and import file format, see Supported Time Zones in Organization Units.

    • Holiday Rule

      Optional. Determines which list of holidays applies to the organizational unit.

    • Parent Organizational Unit

      Enables Administrators to change the hierarchy.

    • ARM Calendar

      Enables administrators to associate an organizational unit with an Account Reconciliation Period calendar. Selection of a Calendar is optional; if not selected, the organizational unit will use the Base calendar for each period.

      Administrators can change the Account Reconciliation calendar associated with an organizational unit. However, that change will be conditional. For example, if the Account Reconciliation calendar is changed such that the current period is no longer a monthly period, then existing monthly reconciliations will remain in the period, even though that frequency no longer matches the frequency of the calendar associated with the organizational unit. Reconciliations are unaffected by changes to the period start date, end date, and close date as a result of a change in the ARM calendar assigned to the organizational unit.

    • Work Days

      Determines which days of the week are workdays.

  4. The Access tab allows administrators to assign viewer and commentator access in a centralized location, rather than having to assign it to each task or reconciliation.

    To select a user:

    1. Select Actions, and then Add.
    2. In Select Viewers, enter the First Name and Last Name, or click Select Users select users, select either Users, Groups, or Teams and then enter the name, or click Search.
    3. In Search Results, select Users, Groups, or Teams, and add them to the Available column.
    4. Click OK.