Sample Task Flows

Scenario 1––Administrator

An administrator configures profiles during implementation of Account Reconciliation Manager and uses the profile import feature to load profiles into Account Reconciliation Manager.

  1. From the Profile List View, the administrator exports profiles, selecting the unformatted data for future import option to create a CSV file template to gather profile data.

  2. The administrator copies and pastes information, including account segments, name, description, and other profile properties, into the profile import file. Because the administrator doesn't have all of the information yet, some columns are unpopulated. The administrator eventually updates these attributes.

  3. From the Profile List View, the administrator imports the profiles, choosing the Replace option.

  4. The administrator updates the profiles in Account Reconciliation Manager, combining manual edits and mass updates of profile data using the Actions panel.

  5. As the administrator nears the end of the profile configuration, a policy change is implemented requiring reassignment of the risk rating values. The administrator decides the easiest way to accomplish the reassignment is to configure the new values in a spreadsheet and import them. The administrator exports the list of profiles from the Profile List View using the unformatted data for future import option. Then, the administrator deletes the columns besides the account segment and risk rating columns.

  6. The administrator imports the changes using the import Profiles feature on the Profile List View. This time, the administrator selects the Update option, ensuring that only the risk rating attribute is updated.

Scenario 2––Administrator

An administrator receives notice that an employee functioning as a preparer has changed departments and no longer performs reconciliations. The profiles and reconciliations assigned to this user must be reassigned.

  1. The administrator must reassign profiles so that future reconciliations are properly assigned. From the Profile List View, the administrator identifies profiles assigned to the user by applying a filter on the Preparer Name. Then, using the Actions panel on the Profile List View, the administrator changes the preparer assignment by selecting the Preparer option in the Add User section and providing the new user name in the Value field. After pressing the Add button, the administrator updates all records and receives confirmation that the update is successful.

  2. The administrator checks on the user's reconciliations. From the Reconciliation List View, the administrator again filters by Preparer Name and finds two Open and three Pending reconciliations.

  3. The administrator reassigns the Pending and Open reconciliations using the Actions panel.

Scenario 3––Administrator

An administrator initiates reconciliations for a period by copying profiles to the period, running a data load, checking for unmapped accounts, and opening the period.

  1. From the Manage Periods dialog box, the administrator selects the period for which reconciliations must be created and clicks Copy Profiles.

  2. After confirming that all profiles copied successfully, the administrator clicks the Data Load icon, and then clicks the New icon to initiate a new data load.

  3. In the New Data Load dialog box, the administrator names the data load, selects where data should be loaded, and clicks OK to initiate the data load and close the dialog box.

  4. In the Data Load dialog box, the administrator monitors the data load, noting that a warning exists for unmapped accounts. Accounts exist in the source system that were not mapped to a profile in Account Reconciliation Manager. The administrator views the unmapped accounts, corrects the mapping in Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition, and returns to Account Reconciliation Manager to rerun the data import. The administrator confirms that the data load completed successfully.

  5. Now the administrator is ready to open the Period. From the Manage Periods dialog box, the administrator selects a period, selects Set Status from the drop-down list, and then selects the Open option, causing the reconciliation status to change to Open for all reconciliations.

  6. Preparers are ready to begin their work.

Scenario 4––Power User

A Power User performs maintenance on profiles in his security profile, which includes all profiles with Company Codes ranging from 50-55.

  1. The power user receives an email notification that reviewer assignments must change for a series of profiles. These profiles are in the security profile of the power user.

  2. From the Profile List View, the power user creates a filter to retrieve the affected accounts and uses the Actions panel to apply changes to reviewer assignments.

  3. Later that day, the power user receives an email from the administrator informing him that new profiles must be created for general ledger account 1729 (a new account), for all company codes in the security profile of the power user. The power user decides the easiest way to create these profiles is to import them from a CSV file. From the Profile List View, he exports a sample profile using the Export profiles – unformatted data for future import option to create a template file. Then, he creates seven profiles in this import file, one each for company codes 50-56.

  4. The power user imports the profiles. During import, Account Reconciliation Manager notifies him that profile 56-1729 is outside his security profile and cannot be created. The power user realizes he made a mistake, because his profile includes Company Codes 50-55. He confirms that these six profiles are added successfully.