Adding Teams and Members

To add teams and members:

  1. In Account Reconciliation Manager, click Manage, and then Teams.
  2. Click Actions, and then New.
  3. For each team, enter:
    • Name

    • Description

    • Roles

      Select a module, and then select roles for the team: Preparer, Reviewer, Viewer, or Commentator.

    • Members


      Search results will not include other team IDs or group IDs.

      Teams do not grant roles to member IDs; member IDs must already be provisioned with the necessary roles.

      To add members:

      1. In Members, click Actions, and then Add.

      2. Enter the partial or full First Name, Last Name, or click Search to select names.

      3. In Search Results, click Add, or Add All to add the selections to the Selected list.

  4. In Team, select Primary User to have the reconciliations default to a Claimed status with that user.


    Other team members can then claim the reconciliations.