Displaying Columns in Account Reconciliation Manager Views

From the Profile and Reconciliation List views you can specify which columns to display in the view. You can also reorder columns, or sort columns by ascending or descending order.

Selecting Columns

You can specify which columns or attributes to display in a view.

To select columns for a view:

  1. On a Profile List, Reconciliation List or Transaction List, click Columns.

  2. On the Attribute Selection dialog, select the columns to display.

  3. Click Close.

Reordering Columns

In List views you can reorder columns.

To reorder columns:

  1. Select View, then select a view, or click the View button on the toolbar.

  2. Do one:

    • Select a column and drag it to a new location

    • Click Columns to open the Attribute Selection dialog box. In the Selected box select a column attribute and click the up and down arrows to move the columns.

  3. Click OK.

Changing Column Widths

To change column width:

  1. Hover over the right side of the column until the icon changes to a double bar indicating that the column width can be adjusted.

  2. Drag the right side of the column to resize it.

Sorting Columns

In the List views, you can sort columns by ascending or descending order.

To sort columns:

  1. Select View, then select a view, or click the View toolbar button.

  2. Hover over a column header until the Sort icons display, then click Sort Ascending Sort column in ascending order button or Sort Descending Sort column by descending order button.