Changing a User's Preferences

A user can change preferences as follows.

To change a user's preferences:

  1. In your application, click Manage, and then User Profile.
  2. On User Details:
    • For Status, select Available or Unavailable.

    • Select the Timezone.

      If the user is the primary user and unavailable, the reconciliation reverts to the backup user, if one is assigned, and if that backup user has a status of Available. To set a status to unavailable, see the Administrator's guide.

    • For email notifications, enter the Email Start Time and Email End Time.

    • The Teams tab displays the user teams.

    • On the Notifications tab, for each type of notification, expand each notification preferences and choose when to be notified:

      For example: for Status Change Notification, expand to Account Reconciliation Manager, then expand and choose "You are the backup preparer and the primary preparer is unavailable". Select "Every 2 hours" as a choice of notification.


      You can override a setting at a lower level (for example, configure Notification Type to Every 2 hours, and override one of the Conditions to Immediately). Then the parent setting(s) displays the word Mixed, to provide a visual indication that more than one preference setting has been assigned to child level settings. You can change the value from Mixed to a different preference setting; the child level settings are changed to the new setting.

      If an Administrator disables the System Settings Configuration Settings for Email Notifications, then notifications are suspended. See the Administrator's Guide.

  3. Click OK.