16 Using Report Binders

Report binders are used to create versions of reconciliations that may be printed or used for offline viewing. Report binders can fulfill audit requests. Binders can be created containing the subset of reconciliations being audited, without having to train auditors on using the Account Reconciliation Manager system.

Report binders can be generated from:

  • Manage Periods dialog box

  • Reconciliation Lists View

In the first case, the binder contains all reconciliations for the selected period. In the second case, the user can choose to create the binder with all reconciliations visible in the Reconciliation List View, or just a selected set of records. When generated from the Reconciliation List View, the binder can include reconciliations from multiple periods.

Report binders are generated as ZIP files containing these formats:

  • Report Summary: Contains a hyperlinked list of reconciliations included in the binder.

  • Reconciliation Details: One file is created for each reconciliation. The structure is very similar to the structure of the Reconciliation Actions dialog box. At a minimum, the file includes lists of transactions of each type included in the reconciliation. If the user chooses to include transaction details, full record details are provided for each transaction.

  • Attachments: One folder is included for each reconciliation containing attachments to the reconciliation, but only if the user chooses to include attachments when creating the binder.