Selecting and Sorting Portlet Columns

You can specify which columns to display in a Worklist or Schedule Tasks portlet. For example, you can display Status, Priority, Description, Task ID, Responsibility, and other task information. You can also sort columns by ascending or descending order.

You can adjust the width of a column by dragging it, and drag columns to reorder them.

To select columns:

  1. From the menu bar, select View.

  2. Select attributes to add the column to the view.

  3. Deselect attributes to remove the columns from the view.

To change column width:

  1. Hover over the right side of the column until the icon changes to a double bar indicating that the column width can be adjusted.

  2. Drag the right side of the column to resize it.

To sort columns:

  1. Hover over a column header until the Sort icons display.

  2. Click Sort Ascending Sort column in ascending order button or Sort Descending Sort column by descending order button.