Viewing Alert Status

The Open Alerts Priorities chart displays the number of open alerts, with slices representing the alert priorities. You can click a slice to open a dialog box listing the alerts. In the dialog box, you can double-click to open an alert. You can then drill down to the Alerts page to view the priority, alert type, assignee, and approver.

The Alerts chart displays alerts categorized by status (Open or Closed). You can hover the mouse over a status to see the number of tasks.

To view alerts:

  1. From the Task Alerts page, select an alert, or Show All, to review.

  2. Click OK to close the Alerts page.

To view alert status:

  1. In the Open Alert Priorities chart, hover over any of the pie chart sections.

  2. Review the summary information on the popup dialog.

  3. Left-click on a pie chart section.

  4. From the Alerts page, review the alert summary information.

  5. Click the alert name link to open the alert details.

  6. Click the task name to review the task information for the alert.

  7. Close the Alert page.