Viewing Task Status

You can use the Task Status pie chart to quickly view summary information for tasks. It displays slices representing the number of tasks for each status (Pending, Open, Closed, Error). You can click a slice to open a schedule in a filtered format matching the current Status Chart filters.

The Needs Attention bar shows tasks that need attention, categorized by reasons:


When an Approver rejects a task.


When roadblocks occur, (for example, hardware failures, software issues, system failure), an alert is created to identify the problem, and is attached to the task.


When the End_date is less than the Current_date.


When the parameters of a task are modified by a user other than the assignee (or task owner if the owner is also the assignee), the authorization is reset to unauthorized and must be obtained by entering a password. For System-Automated tasks, if a user other than the specified or default Run As user modifies the parameters, the task is reset to unauthorized.

At Risk

When the Start date was missed and the End_date minus the Current_date is less than the minimum task duration or the End_Date minus the Start_Date is less than the minimum duration.

Missing Parameters

When tasks, pending to begin execution, are missing parameters. An email notification is sent with a missing task parameters message and a link to the Edit Task Details dialog where the user can fill in the parameters.

You can hover the mouse over a category to see the number of tasks in each category.

To view task status:

  1. In the Task Status pie chart, hover over any of the pie chart sections.
  2. Review the summary information.
  3. Double-click a pie chart section.

    The Calendar-Month view is displayed, with the focus on the task that you selected.

  4. Click the Dashboard view button or select View, then Dashboard to return to the Dashboard view.