Authorizing System-Automated Tasks

When administrators create System-Automated tasks, for security purposes, they specify a user account under which the task is run. To preserve security, they may require authorization to perform the task if there is a change to the specified user, or if the task parameters are modified by someone other than the assignee or task owner. For System-Automated tasks, if a user other than the specified Run As user or Owner modifies the parameters, the task must be authorized. Authorization ensures that the user performing the System-Automated task has security privileges for the application and data for which the task runs.

Administrators may send an email request to users to obtain authorization. You can access the Authorization dialog box from a link in the email or by logging on to the application.

In addition, when the System-Automated task is scheduled to run, if authorization is not provided, the task is not run and its status changes to Needs Attention. If the task is assigned to you, it is displayed in My Worklist. Tasks that require authorization also are displayed in the Task List as Needing Attention.

To authorize a task:

  1. Perform an action:
    • From an email notification, select Authorize Tasks.

    • From My Worklist, select an Authorization Required task.

    • From a Tasklist, select an Authorization Required task.

    The system displays a Users selection list and a table of unauthorized tasks. The user selection list is populated with users that have pending System-Automated tasks assigned to them that require authorization.

  2. From the user selection list, select a user.

    The system displays a list of unauthorized tasks for that user. If you are a user for whom unauthorized tasks exist, your user name displays first on the list in bold.

  3. Select a task that needs authorization.


    To select all tasks for authorization, select the Select All check box in the column header.

  4. To view the task details, select a task name and review the task parameters.


    To contact the task owner by email, select the Owner name beside the task and view the user details.

  5. If you select a user other than yourself, the system prompts you for the user password. Perform one of these steps:
    • If you know the user password, enter it. The list of unauthorized tasks is displayed. Select tasks and click Authorize to authorize them, which removes them from the list.

    • If you do not know the user password and must request authorization from the user, click Send Authorization Request, which sends an email to that user.

      From the Select Users box, search for and select users, and click OK.

  6. Click OK.