Duplicating Financial Management Applications

You can duplicate the contents of an application to create a new application. To duplicate an application, you must have the Application Administrator role, and be provisioned in Shared Services for the Financial Management Application Creator role.

You can duplicate an application to the same environment and rename it, or you can register the new application in a different project and cluster. You can only duplicate an application in the same database.

By default, the process duplicates the application profile information, metadata, and security information. You can also select to duplicate data tables and the Task Audit and Data Audit tables from the source application to the destination application.

To duplicate an application:

  1. Select Navigate, then Administer, and then Consolidation Administration.
  2. Select Administration, and then Applications.
  3. Select the application that you want to duplicate.
  4. Click Duplicate Application, or select Actions, and then Duplicate Application, or right-click the application name and select Duplicate Application.
  5. For Name, enter the application name of the new application that you want to create.
  6. For Description, enter an application description.
  7. For Cluster, select the cluster on which the application should be registered.
  8. For User Management Project, select the project on which the application should be registered.
  9. Optional: Select the Duplicate Audit Tables option to duplicate the Data Audit and Task Audit tables from the source to the destination application.
  10. Optional: Select the Duplicate Data Tables option to duplicate the data tables from the source to the destination application.
  11. Click Duplicate.

When you start the duplication process, the Admin mode is enabled. All users are logged out of the application and are not allowed to log in again until the process is completed.

The system displays the Admin Tasks page, where you can monitor the progress of the Duplicate Application task.

After the system successfully duplicates the source application, it registers the newly created application to the cluster and project that you specified, and you can open the new application.