Viewing Running Tasks

To view running tasks:

  1. Take one of these actions:
    • From an application, select Consolidation, then Maintenance, and then Running Tasks.

    • Select Navigate, then Administer, then Consolidation Administration, then Administration, then System, and then Running Tasks.

  2. Optional: From the Filters panel, select filter criteria:
    • Application

    • Server

    • Users

    • Tasks

    • Status

You can view and terminate these tasks:

  • Consolidation

  • Data Load

  • Data Extract

  • Extract Data to Database Export

  • Post All Transactions

  • Unpost All Transactions

  • Delete All Transactions

  • UnMatch All Transactions

  • AutoMatch by ID

  • AutoMatch by Account

  • IC Matching Report

  • IC Matching Report by ID

  • IC Matching Report by Acct

  • IC Transaction Report

  • Journals Report

You can filter the running tasks by these status types:

  • Initializing

  • Running

  • Paused

  • Uninitializing

  • Stopped

  • Aborted

  • Completed

  • Not Responding

  • Scheduled Stop

  • Scheduled Start