Application-Specific Settings

Some settings that previously were only environment-level settings have been expanded to an application level. Typically, tuning Oracle Hyperion Financial Management at the application level is beneficial when several applications must run on the same Financial Management application server, but only one application is heavily used. In this case, the heavily used application is tuned to enable it to use the bulk of the server’s memory and the remaining applications simply use the default values, limiting the amount of memory the application can utilize. To use the Financial Management application-specific or server-specific settings, use the Override procedure described in the Configuration Settings chapter. See Overriding Values.


The override order of precedence is as follows:

  1. If an application-specific setting does not exist and an installation registry setting does, the installation registry setting is used.

  2. If an application-specific setting does not exist, the setting defined in the Server key is used.

  3. If no application-specific or server setting is defined, the default value is used. For settings and default values, see Configuration Settings.

These settings can be overridden with application-specific settings:

  • AllowOverlappingConsolidationOverride

  • AutoClearDeadTasks

  • AutoClearEAFlatfileTasksAfterSeconds

  • EnableRulesLogging

  • EnableRunningTasksMaskUserNames

  • DSStartupOption

  • MaxDataCacheSizeInMB

  • MaxNumConcurrentConsolidations

  • MaxNumCubesInRAM

  • MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM

  • MaxNumRetriesOfBaseLevelCalculation

  • MinDataCacheSizeInMB

  • NumConsolidationThreads

  • NumCubesLoadedBeforeCheckingLRU

  • NumDataLoadsAllowed

  • NumEAExportsAllowed

  • NumEAThreads

  • NumMinutesBeforeCheckingLRU

  • NumThreadsToUseWhenUpdatingCalcStatusSystemWasChanged