Calculation Rules with Calculation Commands

The number of times that a Calculation rule is executed depends upon the calculate command selected by the user and by other factors.


Carefully read these sections before writing rules. You might want an operation to occur only for certain members of the Value dimension, and if this is the case you must test for the current member with VBScript’s If structure and the Member function before executing the operation. For steps and examples on using If structures and the Member function, see Conditional Rules.

When a user selects the Calculate or Force Calculate command, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management runs the application’s Calculation rule for the intersection of the current entity member and the Value member for the entity’s default currency, Entity Currency. If the entity’s AllowAdjs attribute is enabled in the metadata, Financial Management also runs the rule a second time, applying the rule to the intersection of the entity and the member of the Value dimension that stores adjustments to the entity’s default currency, Entity Curr Adjs.


For example, if an entity named California has a default currency of USD and its AllowAdjs attribute is enabled in the metadata, the calculation rule runs twice, once for the intersection of California with USD and once for the intersection of California with USD Adjs.