Common EPM Installation Directory References

This chapter uses the following directory references:

Middleware Home

A Middleware home consists of the Oracle WebLogic Server home, and, optionally, one or more Oracle homes, including EPM Oracle home. The default installation directory is Oracle\Middleware. The Middleware home location is referred to as MIDDLEWARE_HOME throughout this chapter.

EPM Oracle Home

An Oracle home contains installed files necessary to host a specific product, and resides within the directory structure of the Middleware home. The default EPM Oracle home location is MIDDLEWARE_HOME\EPMSystem11R1. The EPM Oracle home location is referred to as EPM_ORACLE_HOME throughout this chapter.

EPM Oracle Instance

Additionally, during configuration, some products deploy components to the EPM Oracle Instance defined during configuration. The default location for the EPM Oracle instance is MIDDLEWARE_HOME\user_projects\epmsystem1. The EPM Oracle instance location is referred to as EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE throughout this chapter.