
Determines if the specified cell contains cell text. This function can be used in these types of rules:

  • Calculation

  • Translation

  • Consolidation

  • Allocation



where POVExpression is a combination of members. If you do not specify a dimension, these default values are used.

  • Account - [none]

  • ICP - [ICP None]

  • Custom1...4 - [None]

  • Scenario - Current Scenario member

  • Entity - Current Entity member

  • Value - Current Value member

  • Year and Period - Current member


The default entries apply when you use this function in Calculation rules. When used in Allocation, Translation, or Consolidation rules, you must specify the full sub-cube Account/ICP/Customs POV. The Scenario, Year, Period, View, Entity, and Value dimensions default to the current members.

Return Value

A Boolean expression that is True if the specified data cell contains cell text for any cell text label; False otherwise.


In this example, if the specified cell does not contain cell text for any cell text label, then statements between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.

If HS.ContainsCellText("A#Sales.C1#Prod1.C2#Region1") = "False" then
End If


If you are using cell text labels, this function returns a True value if any of the existing cell text labels (including [Default]) contain a cell text entry.