Creating Journal Files

You can create journal files using an ASCII format supporting multibyte character sets (MBCS) or a file encoded with the Unicode format, using Little Endian byte ordering. By default, journal files use the JLF file extension.

A security information file can contain these sections:

  • File Format

  • Version

  • Journal Group

  • Standard

  • Recurring

  • Header - Scenario, Year, Period

A line starting with an exclamation point (!) indicates the beginning of a new section in the journal file, and must be followed by a valid section name (for example, Year). A line starting with an apostrophe (') is considered a comment line and is ignored by the system.

You can use these special characters to separate information within the file as long as the character is not used in the file in another way:

Character Description




at sign










dollar sign


number sign


percent sign


pipe sign


question mark






You must use the same delimiter character throughout the file. Using different delimiter characters within the same file causes an error when you load the file.