Creating Security Classes

To create security classes:

  1. From the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand Application Groups, right-click the application name, and select Assign Access Control.
  2. Select Add Security Class, or select Actions, and then Add Security Class.
  3. For Name, enter a name for the security class.

    The name must be unique and can contain a maximum of 80 characters. It can include spaces, but it cannot start with a space. These characters are not allowed:

    • Asterisk (*)

    • At sign (@)

    • Comma (,)

    • Curly brackets ({})

    • Double quotation marks""

    • Minus sign (-)

    • Number sign (#)

    • Period (.)

    • Plus sign (+)

    • Semicolon (;)

    • Slash mark (/)

  4. Click OK.