Defining Accounts

The Account dimension defines the chart of accounts for an application. You define accounts with the attributes in the Account Member Attributes table.

Table 4-1 Account Member Attributes

Attribute Description


(Required) One of these values:

  • ASSET—Store values that represent the assets of a company

  • LIABILITY—Store point-in-time balances that represent the liabilities of a company

  • REVENUE—Store periodic and year-to-date values that increase net worth if the value is positive

    Note: In Oracle Hyperion Financial Management releases prior to 4.1, this account type was called Income.

  • EXPENSE—Store periodic and year-to-date values that decrease net worth if the value is positive

  • FLOW—Store periodic and year-to-date values

  • BALANCE— Store unsigned values that relate to a particular point in time

  • BALANCERECURRING—Store unsigned values that relate to a particular point in time and that re-occur in future periods

  • CURRENCYRATE—Store currency rate information

  • GROUPLABEL—Use the account for grouping purposes

  • DYNAMIC—Indicates that the account value is calculated dynamically from the data that you are viewing

See Account Type Behavior.


Description of the calculations performed in the rules file for this account

This information is displayed as part of cell information in data forms and data grids. It can contain up to 80 characters, including spaces.


Which TopMember in the hierarchy of a Custom dimension is valid for the account

Only the specified member, including all descendants, is valid for the account.

The number of attributes is based on the number of Custom dimensions defined for the application. The attribute name changes to reflect the Custom dimension alias. For example, Custom in the attribute name is replaced with the Custom dimension alias.


The default parent for the account


The account description

The description can contain up to 80 characters, including spaces, and cannot use an ampersand (&) or backslash (\).


Whether Custom dimension data is aggregated for the current account

This attribute is used for special totals, not summing. Specify Y if the account can aggregate with Custom dimensions or N if it cannot.

The number of attributes is based on the number of Custom dimensions defined for the application. The attribute name changes to reflect the Custom dimension alias. For example, Custom in the attribute name is replaced with the Custom dimension alias.


Whether the account can be audited

Specify Y to enable account auditing or N to disable auditing. The default is N. This attribute, when applied to an account or scenario, determines what can be audited.


The Intercompany PartnerTopMember for the account

The specified member and all its descendants are valid for the account. All other members of the Entity dimension are not valid for the account.


Whether the account is calculated

Only base-level accounts can be calculated. If a base-level account is calculated, you cannot manually enter values. Specify Y if the account is to be calculated; otherwise, specify N.


Whether values for the account are consolidated to parent entities. If the account is not consolidated, it is ignored during consolidation. Specify Y if the account is to be consolidated when consolidation is performed or N if the account is not to be consolidated.


Specifies whether the account is an intercompany account.

  • Y if ICP transactions, including self-ICP transactions, are allowed for the account

  • N if ICP transactions are not allowed for the account

  • R if ICP transactions are allowed for the account, but the account is restricted from ICP transactions with itself


Specifies the name for the account. This attribute is required. The name must be unique. It can contain up to 80 characters, including spaces, but cannot start with a space.

Do not use these characters in an account name:

  • Asterisk (*)

  • At sign (@)

  • Comma (,)

  • Curly brackets ({})

  • Double quotation marks""

  • Greater than symbol (>)

  • Less than symbol (<)

  • Minus sign (-)

  • Number sign (#)

  • Period (.)

  • Plus sign (+)

  • Semicolon (;)

  • Slash mark (/)


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to be displayed for account values. This attribute is required. Specify a value from 0 to 9.


Specifies the account name used for identifying discrepancies in intercompany transactions. The PlugAcct attribute is required when the IsICP attribute for the account is selected. It must be blank or the name of a valid account. If blank, intercompany eliminations for the account are not processed.


Specifies the security class that defines the users who can access the account data. Security class names can contain up to 80 characters. Security access applies only to account data.

Submission Group

Specifies the submission group for applications that use phased submission.

Enter a number from 1 to 9 to specify a submission group, or zero to exclude the account from process control. The default value is 1.

UserDefined1, UserDefined2, UserDefined3

Stores custom information for the account. You can enter a maximum of 256 characters. The UserDefined1, UserDefined2, and UserDefined3 functions retrieve the text stored in this attribute.


Specifies whether an account can have line items. If selected, the account uses line items in scenarios for which line items are enabled. Specify Y if the account uses line items or N if the account does not use line items.

CAUTION: If you change this attribute after line-item detail is entered, the stored line-item detail may no longer be valid for the account. These behaviors occur:

  • If the account accepted line items and now it cannot, the line-item detail stored in the database is no longer valid. Only the total is displayed.

  • If the account did not accept line items and now it can, there is a total amount but no corresponding line-item detail information for the account. You can extract the total and then load it as line-item detail data so that the total matches the line-item detail information.


Specifies XBRL tags for the account. You can enter a maximum of 225 characters.