Defining Intercompany Matching Report Scripts

Intercompany Matching reports help you track intercompany transactions for analysis and auditing purposes. The Intercompany Matching report shows matches for entities and intercompany partner dimensions that have been set up with the Intercompany Partner (IsICP) attribute enabled.

Intercompany Partner (ICP) Matching reports list the intercompany transactions that are eliminated during consolidation. Intercompany transactions are managed across the Intercompany Partner dimension. The Intercompany dimension contains all intercompany balances that might exist for an account. You can enter intercompany transactions through data grids, data loads, journals, or data forms. Oracle Hyperion Financial Management can track and eliminate intercompany transaction details across accounts and custom dimensions. Intercompany transactions are eliminated as of the first common parent of two intercompany entities. They are eliminated through the [Elimination] member of the Value dimension.

You can create Intercompany Matching reports by using the user interface

You can select accounts for the report, or use the plug account option, in which the system generates the account and matching account based on the plug account. You can select to suppress reversed transactions, custom dimensions or intercompany details. When you print a report, you can override report settings to customize the report for your needs.