Oracle introduced the DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION feature in Release 11.2. The default settings is On in all installations. With this feature, a TABLE create statement does not actually create a table. The table is only created after a row of data is inserted. This feature can cause issues when exporting and importing Oracle Hyperion Financial Management schemas, as some tables may not be created during the import. It is recommended that this feature be disabled; tables must then created automatically. To disable this feature, log in to your instance using SYSTEM or SYS and issue the command:

alter system set deferred_segment_creation=false; 

Any table created after issuing this statement is created automatically. If you already have an instance with empty tables and want to export the application, you can alter each table individually to force creation and allow the table to be used by the EXP (export) command.

To determine if a schema has empty tables, run either of the two following commands:

select segment_name, segment_type, extents from dba_segments where extents < 1 and segment_type='TABLE' and owner='<hfm db schema>'
select table_name from all_tables where owner='<hfm db schema>' and table_name not in (select segment_name from dba_segments where owner='<hfm db schema>' and segment_type='TABLE' and extents>0)

Issue the following command for each empty table:

alter table <table_name> allocate extent