
Gets the data contained in a cell and also indicates whether the cell contains data. This function can be used in these types of rules:

  • Calculation

  • Translation

  • Consolidation

  • Allocation



Table 11-23 Syntax for GetCellNoData Function

Parameter Description


A valid point of view.


A variable that specifies if there is data in the cell.

Return Value

The possible return values depend on what is found in the cell:

  • If the cell contains real data, the data value is returned and the boolean value returned for Var1 is False.

  • If the cell contains no data, 0 is returned for the data value and the boolean value returned for Var1 is True.

  • If the cell contains derived data, the derived value is returned and the boolean value returned for Var1 is False.


    If the argument causes GetCellNoData to return more than one value, an error occurs.


In this example, the amount in the Sales account is assigned to the dSalesAmt variable. If the Sales account has no data, the statements between the If Then and End If statements are executed.

dSalesAmt = HS.GetCellNoData("A#Sales.I#[ICP None].C1#[None].C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[None]",bIsNoData)
If bIsNoData = TRUE then
End If